Frank Gaffney on The Bill Martinez Show, May 9, 2023

The Bill Martinez Show

Talk Radio

The Bill Martinez Show, May 9, 2023 – See transcript below.


Bill Martinez: [00:21:43] It’s treasonous. I mean, you know, Peter, Peter Schweitzer reported on this years ago about the elite captured, followed up by Miranda Devine and others. We’ve been saying for a long time, Frank, we have to decouple from all these nefarious entities that are [00:22:00] anti-constitution and they’re anti-American, and that is a clear and present danger. It is so obvious. But, you know, the mainstream media and others have not helped us out. This is why your book is is critical to the conversation and debate, because you’ve documented this these you know, these indictments and this evidence is irrefutable. And our elected officials have sold us out. They have they’ve opened up the coffers and the and the assets of our government, you know, all our resources, our people, our treasury go on down the line. And for and for what interests for their own personal interest. This is treasonous what they have done. And the American people need to wake up and take this seriously, because if we continue with the status quo, it’s [00:23:00] going to be too late. And some may question right now, Frank, we it may be too late right now.



START 11:13

Bill Martinez: [00:11:13] Well, Frank Gaffney joins us now. He’s the executive chair and founder of the Center for Security Policy, and he is the author of the new book The Indictment Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and France for Crimes Against America, China and the World. Frank, Good. Be talking with you. How are you, sir?

Frank Gaffney: [00:11:29] Well, thank you for forbearance, Bill. I so apologize for being tardy, but I’m delighted to be talking to you, too. Thank you for giving me the chance to talk about the indictment.

Bill Martinez: [00:11:38] Well, we’ll talk about the indictment. But first, because we only got about three minutes left here, let’s talk about the Sovereignty Coalition first.

Frank Gaffney: [00:11:45] Good Sovereignty Coalition is an extraordinarily impressive group of people who’ve come together to try to prevent the Biden administration and its friends. And by those I mean the Chinese Communist Party, the [00:12:00] World Economic Forum, the United Nations, Bill Gates, Big Pharma. I mean, a real cast of monsters, as far as I’m concerned, from surrendering our sovereignty by giving the World Health Organization the authority to tell us when we have a public health emergency of international concern, as it’s called. And more to the point, Bill, what we will do about that emergency. Right, If you like, what the World Health Organization did when it was just an advisory body in forcing down our throats the so-called China model and the pandemic that they brought to us. You’re going to love what they can do when they have the authority to dictate to us these kinds of terms. It’s a disaster, and it must be stopped by getting us out of the World Health Organization immediately.

Bill Martinez: [00:12:52] Exactly. Well, that along with the United Nations, all part and parcel. That is Frank. And we saw this again. [00:13:00] You know, I asked our audience, I said, boy, you know, doesn’t it excite you to turn over the policy, any pandemic policy? Because then at that point, everything’s a pandemic and they will have full control. Right now, we’re just talking about if another China virus was to come about or another pandemic of type. But based on what they showed us for two and a half years, boy, doesn’t it give you some sense of comfort that they really know what they’re doing?

Frank Gaffney: [00:13:29] Yeah, it doesn’t. And what they do do is not necessarily anything to do with your health. It’s with control. It’s with crushing your personal freedom as well as our national sovereignty. And let me just add, it doesn’t have to be a pandemic, Bill, under the language they’re working on. As I say, they can just call it a pandemic excuse me, a public health emergency of international concern. That could be. Oh, say gun violence. Yes. The prescription for that should be confiscating your guns. How about that? [00:14:00]

Bill Martinez: [00:14:00] Right. We’re back to that old axiom that they’ve become the hammer and everything they perceive as a nail is a nail.

Frank Gaffney: [00:14:06] Exactly right. Well well.

Bill Martinez: [00:14:09] This is the danger of what is being constructed in the back rooms of the Beltway that abandons and ignores this constitutional republic. Oh, yeah. By the way, we do have a constitution still, I think barely, don’t we, Frank?

Frank Gaffney: [00:14:24] Well, technically. But what they’re chipping away at, in fact, what they envision shredding is the very constitution that guarantees our rights and underpins our constitutional republic. And that’s why this matters so much, that we get people engaged. They can go to Sovereignty and sign an American secured sovereignty declaration and let their elected representatives with a click of a mouse know that they want them to do the same.

Bill Martinez: [00:14:51] We have to let and put the pressure on because we’ve heard very little since that announcement that Joe Biden was negotiating, you know, with, you know, [00:15:00] with the United Nations, with the W.H.O., to take over our sovereignty. This is unbelievable that we would trade it out.


[Frank, again START 19:14]

Bill Martinez: [00:19:14] Frank Gaffney is with us. He apologized for being a little delayed. Could you imagine his publisher wouldn’t let him go, Steve Bannon. I mean, we’re on the same team, you know, And so all this well, Steve did was kind enough to write the foreword to the new book, The Indictment. And I told Frank, I said, all will be forgiven. He just has to tell us something exclusive that he didn’t share with Steve. So so, no, no pressure whatsoever. Frank Okay. So what can you tell us about the indictment that you didn’t share with Steve they probably didn’t already know?

Frank Gaffney: [00:19:48] Well, we had an interesting conversation, but I won’t tell your audience about that. But let me just say that I think the thing that they most urgently need to know and that we document [00:20:00] in this book and that I believe is it’s most important of 20 action items, is that the unrestricted warfare that the Chinese Communist Party or CCP has been engaged in against our country for decades, unbeknownst to most of us. You know, we may know something’s wrong or we may know that China’s not, you know, a team player always say, but we don’t really understand. They’ve actually been waging war against us. In May of 2019, they actually made it a little bit more pointed. They said it’s people’s war against the United States for the purposes of destroying us. Right. But the single most important thing, Bill, in terms of what do we do about this? And the book is all about, as I said, Steve, not admiring the problem, but doing something about it. And the most important thing we need to do [00:21:00] is to root out the people who are helping the Chinese Communist Party take us down. People here in this country, they call them their friends, I call them traitorous enemies of America. And so, as the subtitle of the book says, prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China and the World. And we’ve got some specific ideas about how you root them out, starting with, of course, forcing resignations in cases where that’s possible, impeaching them and in other cases simply prosecuting them for high crimes and misdemeanors against our country.

Bill Martinez: [00:21:43] It’s treasonous. I mean, you know, Peter, Peter Schweitzer reported on this years ago about the elite captured, followed up by Miranda Devine and others. We’ve been saying for a long time, Frank, we have to decouple from all these nefarious entities that are [00:22:00] anti-constitution and they’re anti-American, and that is a clear and present danger. It is so obvious. But, you know, the mainstream media and others have not helped us out. This is why your book is is critical to the conversation and debate, because you’ve documented this these you know, these indictments and this evidence is irrefutable. And our elected officials have sold us out. They have they’ve opened up the coffers and the and the assets of our government, you know, all our resources, our people, our treasury go on down the line. And for and for what interests for their own personal interest. This is treasonous what they have done. And the American people need to wake up and take this seriously, because if we continue with the status quo, it’s [00:23:00] going to be too late. And some may question right now, Frank, we it may be too late right now.

Frank Gaffney: [00:23:06] Well, it is late. Whether it’s too late, I think, depends on us. But could I just pick up on something you said because it’s so important, Bill, you made passing reference to the present danger. We are the beneficiaries. And this book specifically drew heavily upon the work of what we call the Committee on the Present Danger China. And that’s an homage in a way, to an earlier version of this, a committee on the present danger that, as you may remember, helped my old boss, Ronald Reagan, devise a strategy for defeating the last totalitarian communist regime that sought the destruction of America, namely the Soviet Union. And we’re trying to do a similar service to, as you say, the American people. And by the way, you’re so right prominently featured in the group [00:24:00] of so-called captured elite that we focus on in this book and that we believe must be held accountable for treasonous conduct are those masters of the universe as they think of themselves on Wall Street. And they have. Been not only putting money from the Treasury and so on, they’ve been putting our money, the money of the American people that we’ve invested in our pension funds or our 401. K plans or mutual funds or index funds or exchange traded funds or other investment vehicles. They’ve been taking large chunks of that, by some estimates, 3 to $6 trillion and making it available to the Chinese Communist Party. And guess what that has meant? It has meant that they have been vastly more capable of waging the war against us that they’ve engaged in to this point and that they aspire to in a shooting war. If we are not able to deter them from doing it. And that’s where the action [00:25:00] comes in. We need.

Bill Martinez: [00:25:01] Well, Frank, even even right now.

Frank Gaffney: [00:25:03] Check it out and act on it.

Bill Martinez: [00:25:04] Well, even right now regarding the debt ceiling debate we’re having right now, how much money are we paying every month, you know, to the communist Chinese just in interest? It’s been said that our our interest payments is building up their military. I mean, if that doesn’t wake you up real quick, I don’t know what else it’s going to take because as you said earlier, the clear and present danger of the Communist Party. They’ve made it real clear. And I believe that if people say that they want to destroy you, you should believe them. Yeah.

Frank Gaffney: [00:25:38] Yeah. Well, it’s it’s one thing if they just say it. They said what we’ve documented here and it’s and it’s in the form, by the way. And the one of the best things about the book I think is we we give you a QR code for every single one of these 70 or so webinars that we’ve conducted over the past year, over 100 hours [00:26:00] of extraordinary content documenting, as you say, what is going on here. And and you can find, you know, what you need in terms of the ways in which we’ve been subjected to this unrestricted warfare economy, political information operations, subversion, sabotage, the the elite capture, of course, biological warfare, the takedown of our military, thanks to the help that they’ve gotten in part from Joe Biden and other, quote, friends unquote, of the Chinese Communist Party.

Bill Martinez: [00:26:35] Yeah. And the question still remains is where did where did where did the Covid, you know, disease start? Where did it come from?

Frank Gaffney: [00:26:46] Well, as we document in this book and we drew upon a study that a group we put together called Team B3 did last year. It came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Biological [00:27:00] Warfare Program, aided and abetted by Tony Fauci and his ilk. And the truth of the matter is, while we can’t say for sure how it got out of the lab, what we can say for absolute certainty is that once it was out, they purposely and deliberately and consciously and comprehensively made sure it came here and elsewhere around the world. And that’s why we call it a biological warfare attack. And a critically important piece of the book, the indictment, Bill, is that we are able to cite back to about 20 years ago the then defense minister of China, general, by the name of Qiao Chen, told a closed group of party cadre that the Chinese Communist Party, then under Deng Xiaoping general secretary, back at the end of the Soviet Union, [00:28:00] saying that there’s a new Cold War that’s begun. China will win it. And one of the things he’d said was to his biological warfare program, which is, by the way, illegal under a treaty they signed not to have. One is he said, your mission is to depopulate the United States so it can be colonized by China.

Bill Martinez: [00:28:22] See, there’s always a plan. There is always a plan. Right. And the thing is, is that here it is in the world in a sense is self indicted because they’re not standing up and holding the communist Chinese accountable. They’re happy to take their money. They’re happy to bow down, you know, to their enforcement and their ways and to remain captured at the expense of their citizenry. It’s a sad commentary, Frank Gaffney, but this is where we are right now in this clear and present danger, no doubt.

Frank Gaffney: [00:28:58] Right. Got to fix it.

Bill Martinez: [00:28:59] You got [00:29:00] it. The indictment available at all the usual places linked on our website at Bill Martinez. frank Gaffney has been with us. Thank you, frank. Take care.