Frank Gaffney on Global Lane/CBN: Inevitable Taiwan war threat? Washington roadblocks against Chinese aggression; Collusion & corruption, May 17, 2023

The Global Lane – EP646 – May 18, 2023

Inevitable Taiwan war threat? Washington roadblocks against Chinese aggression; Collusion & corruption.

The Global Lane – EP646 – May 18, 2023 – See transcript below.

“Inevitable Taiwan war threat? Washington roadblocks against Chinese aggression,” May 17, 2023, interview with Frank Gaffney on “The Indictment,” begins at :54, ends at 6:32


Frank Gaffney: Captured by the Chinese Communist Party. There may be as many as 40 members of the United States Senate. There may be 100 members of the United States House of Representatives who are as well. And they’ve been bought.



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Gary Lane: Growing tensions between the US and China. Is war [00:01:00] over Taiwan coming? Appearing on CNBC this week, billionaire Elon Musk says there’s some inevitability to a communist government takeover of Taiwan. He’s not a billionaire, but Frank Gaffney is here to share his thoughts on this and to provide some other insights on China. Mr. Gaffney is executive director of the Center for Security Policy, author of the just released book The Indictment Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China and the World. Frank, it’s good to talk with you again. So do you agree with Elon Musk? He says we need to take China seriously. Their stated policy is to regain Taiwan. They mean it. So is war over Taiwan certain or can it be averted?

Frank Gaffney: It’s a great question, Gary. It’s good to be back with you. It depends. It depends on us. War is certain with China. In fact, it’s so certain that we’ve actually been in [00:02:00] one with China for about three decades. Most of us don’t know it. The subject of this new book, The Indictment, is to lay out what that war has entailed and the horrific costs that have been inflicted upon us by the Chinese Communist Party and their enablers inside our own country. In the course of, as I say, going back at least to 1999. The unrestricted warfare that China has waged against us. But your question is to. The possibility of a shooting war being another and new and very, very horrific phase of that ongoing people’s war, as the Chinese call it. They actually officially declared a people’s war against us back in May of 2019, by the way. But the next step, the one that I think Xi Jinping is absolutely determined to take and seems poised [00:03:00] to take is the one that would involve the physical assault in one fashion or another against Taiwan. And it is the expert opinion of the people that we’ve been consulting with who contributed through about 70 plus webinars to kind of the contents of this book that China will go after us.

Gary Lane: If you say many of our government leaders are helping them to defeat us. So what are they doing? What are our leaders doing?

Frank Gaffney: Our leaders are captured by the Chinese Communist Party. That’s a term they call elite capture. They have been in some cases for decades. In the case of Joe Biden, it’s, what, 15 years at least back when he was vice president. That’s now, I think, indisputable based on not only Hunter’s own laptop, but the revelations of the House Oversight Committee in the past few days. But the truth of the matter is, as my colleague Trevor Loudon points out, [00:04:00] there may be as many as 40 members of the United States Senate who are similarly compromised. There may be 100 members of the United States House of Representatives who are as well. And then there’s all those other sectors, and they’ve been bought basically by the Chinese Communist Party, usually in just old fashioned cash, but sometimes sexual favors. Sometimes they’re coerced, sometimes they’re ideologically aligned. But whatever it is, the leadership of our country, not in every case, obviously, but in enough is in the pocket of the Chinese Communist Party. And that makes infinitely more difficult. Everything we have to do and infinitely easier everything the Chinese want to do to us and want to say Chinese, I mean the Chinese Communist Party. I don’t think it’s the people of China. I think it’s their leadership.

Gary Lane: So, Frank, what do we do about it?

Frank Gaffney: We have 20 different action items in this book, the indictment, nine charges, starting with crimes against humanity and then eight war crimes against our country. [00:05:00] Because properly understood, the Chinese Communist Party is a transnational criminal organization. So when it wages unrestricted warfare or people’s warfare against us, it’s a war crime. But drawing on all of that, we’ve come up with 20 actions that we think are practicable. Hard in most cases, yes, but absolutely necessary if we’re not only to deter that shooting war, but we’re to prevent the pre kinetic one that’s been underway for so long from achieving its desired effect, which is to remove the United States as the one real impediment to the Chinese Communist Party’s ambitions to be the global hegemon. At the end of the day, whether we pull this off or not. To survive our country is going to depend on God’s grace. You know, we’ve got to do our part. But this is spiritual warfare of the first magnitude. And I’m prayerful that we still enjoy that grace. We haven’t deserved [00:06:00] it for a long time. I think that’s fair. And you guys helped chronicle that every day. But I think it’s in God’s hands. And if he’s still on our side and I pray that he is, we’ll get through this.

Gary Lane: Okay. It’s already a bestseller on Amazon. The new book is The Indictment Prosecuting the Chinese Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China and the World. Frank Gaffney, thank you for being with us. We always appreciate it.

Frank Gaffney: It’s a privilege. And thank you for your time, my friend. Good to talk with you. God bless you.

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